What if buyer-centricity is a skill issue?
Sellers think they’re trusted advisors. Buyers don’t… and buyers only buy from trusted advisors. Here’s how we bridge the gap.
How do I build a business case?
Creating a business case is incredibly important, but it’s often shrouded in mystery as to what one actually is. We walk through the key elements of building resilient buy-in.
Is partnership a myth?
Myths, contracts, and the truths that teach us how to work together.
Why aren’t we better at working together?
The digital revolution is bigger than the industrial revolution… so why aren’t we thriving?
How does anyone stay in sales?
Some of the fundamental truths we can stand on in a really challenging profession.
Who owns customer success?
Ownership is critical, but it seems to be incredibly murky when it comes to making customers radically successful.
Do salespeople really want another tool?
To a hammer, everything is a nail. To a sales tool, everyone is a lead. Where does sales go for a platform that reflects reality?
You can’t “sales enable” your way out of a buyer enablement problem.
Don’t win by beating your teammate.